Dalton had been a fierce Black Friday shopper for decades. Now fifty-nine, he had to take more proactive measures to get the best deals because he couldn’t keep up with the younger crowds. Straight lines, mental maps, and shortcuts were his most useful tactics.
All of his strategies went out the window when he got into it with another man at Best Buy. The two wrestled each other, grappling on the floor for the final smart television.
Thirty seconds into the stalemate, Dalton was forced to throw in the towel. A sharp pain shot out from his chest and he could hardly breathe. The victor ran off with his prized possession, but thankfully another shopper called 911 as Dalton reached for his chest.
When the paramedics told him he’d had a heart attack, he grunted.
In the end, his hospital bill and follow-up appointments negated all of the discounts he’d ever made.
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Take care, and thanks again.
He needs to learn about online shopping. 🤣
Sounds about right! Good story!