Intense is the word! And for me it brought back a memory of being attached by a German Shepherd while delivering the newspaper when I was a young boy. The owners of the dog sat on the front step with their dog and assured me it was okay to bring them the paper. I did, and as I walked away I heard the sound of the dog running up behind me and he lunged and sunk his teeth into my rump. i fell to the ground and he was about to bite again when his owner pulled him off. I lay bleeding in their lawn. Yikes, what a memory!

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So sorry--And how horrible for you! Did you need stitches? Were you ok? What happened to the dog?

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Yeah, stitches and a lifelong suspicion of German Shepherds. I was humiliated laying there in the grass bleeding, waiting for my parents to take me to the ER. The dog lived on, behind a fence, as usual.

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That's the kind of dog owner that makes me go, "grrrr."

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That's the kind of dog owner that makes me want to bite HIS rump and then call the police. Double grrr.

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Ha! I like your approach better. ;)

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Ugh, that’s awful. Dogs can be very unpredictable, but shame on the couple for reassuring a young kid in such a way! Sorry that happened to you.

Thanks for reading, Tom! 🙏

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Yikes, indeed. 😬 Shepherds can be really territorial. And they're huge, too.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Justin Deming

We have two small dogs, a few times when walking them a few larger dogs have broken thru screen doors, jumped fences or just left out unattended. My wife grabs the dogs and I get between them is the plan. So far I've been able to scare the larger dogs and no harm done. I have to walk them separately when alone. One day while walking Benny, a cat strolled up and kicked his ass on the leash.

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"One day while walking Benny, a cat strolled up and kicked his ass ..." Hilarious! Thanks for a Tuesday morning belly laugh, Steve.

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It’s always good to have a plan in mind. And haha! Sorry to hear about the ass-kicking, but I hope all was okay in the end. The way you wrote it gave me a good chuckle. 😄

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You had me at “dog-centered fiction”!

This story scared my “business” out of me, and had me hanging on every word.

Congratulations on your anniversary! 🎉🥳🍰

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Haha, I wasn’t sure how people would feel about this one. I appreciate the kind words, Jenise. Thank you so much!

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Write for you, first, and let the characters tell their story.

Each story will find it's unique audience of readers. Just ask Stephen King!

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Exactly! I write stories I enjoy and let them unfold however they’re going to unfold. I love when the characters take over and write the story themselves!

Thanks, Jenise. It looks like my brother is moving to the Bangor, Maine area within a couple months, so maybe someday I’ll get to ask Mr. King that very question! 🤣

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Oh, wow, that would be absolutely awesome, and I hope you do!!

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Great story. You introduced the characters (dogs especially) very well. Loved how you described walking the dog.

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Thank you, Scott. I really appreciate it!

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Poor pup, I hope he was ok in the end!

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I know, poor guy. Despite one or two gashes, I think he was shaken but ultimately okay. Thanks for the read, Kim!

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Justin Deming

Poor Bandit!

I’m a lifelong cat owner and I love Maddy, our orange striped tabby who lies in the sun all day.

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Maddy is living the good life! 🐱

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Another well told story! Our neighbors always have two chocolate labs (like Sith no more, no less, a master and an apprentice). Our Loki is a small Havanese. But he thinks he's a big dog. The neighbor's dogs are known terrors in our area and we forced them into getting an electric fence for their dogs a few years back because they were such a problem. They especially loved getting into people's chicken coops and feating on the hens. A couple years ago, when Loki was barely not a puppy, the dogs were out on our property (the electric fence is often "out of order") Loki ran out our barely cracked front door and headed straight towards the dogs.

The kids were scared to death that Loki would be a goner, like the other neighbor's chickens. I figured Loki had more self-preservation instinct. What I did not figure was that Loki would herd these two dogs, both easily 4x his size back onto their property without any dog barking at all! The neighbors goats were also out and Loki then herded them back. The goats and the dogs have never gotten on our property again.

Havanese were supposedly bread to be the pampered dogs or royalty, but Loki is an incredible herd dog.

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Thank you, Jason!

Whoa! What an incredible story. Loki sounds like an amazing dog. How funny that Loki was able to bring the other animals back home safely. I’m blown away that the goats/dogs haven’t been back since!

Go, Loki!

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Oh yeah. For a time, it was the pit bulls that ran loose, or pulled their owners around the neighborhood park. A couple of shepherds, also. They were always ready to fight. "Don't worry, they're friendly." say the young adult owners, unable to control their dogs. Luckily, my dogs fared well in these "get-togethers", but there was bloodshed and worse for a few.

I could feel the rush of the attack as you described in your story. Good job, Justin!

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Thanks so much for reading, Ron. “Don’t worry, they’re friendly” is a phrase that shouldn’t be used. Poor postal workers must hear it daily. I’m sure they’d tell us all otherwise. 😅

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Really wonderful, gripping story Justin! I love the tension. I remember Zeus well and yes, he was a very sweet dog. Keep us the awesome work and thank you for sharing your talents! Love, Uncle Scott

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Thank you so much for reading, Uncle Scott! I love that you loved it. Oh, Zeus and Zoey...they were quite the duo. 🤣 🐶

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Congrats on your anniversary! And also--WHAT A STORY. Well, you know I'd be drawn in just because of dogs. But this was so suspenseful! I always wonder why people get dogs like that. And yes, it's the owner, not the dog, blah blah blah, but considering how well-trained they have to be in order to be safe for others, it's just irresponsible for most people to own one, imo. Was this one based on a true story? (Poor Bandit!).

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Thank you, Ricki! Right?! I completely agree with everything you said. Some people simply shouldn’t own dogs.

This one is somewhat based on a true story. I do have a young son and an older dog, so our walks are similar to the “push-pull” description I used. (It’s a struggle, ha!) We also had a run-in with the neighbors’ dogs a month or so ago, but it wasn’t anything like what happened in the story. The memory did inspire me to begin writing this one, though.

Oh, and I finished reading Cujo recently, so I guess you could say dogs have been on my mind. 🤣

Thanks again for reading!

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Glad no people or animals were bitten during the real-life encounter, lol! And I know how you feel re: walking--we had a 15-1/2 year-old dog and a 2-1/2 year-old dog and walked them at the same time. One arm stretched out in front, one in back (and still didn't give them enough leeway to both go at their preferred pace). ;)

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Haha! I know exactly where you’re coming from. It’s far from easy! 😄

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That was intense for a Monday morning 😂 Very well done, Justin. And one year as Along the Hudson, wow, that's pretty wild! Congratulations 🎉 Will we get to hear some sage advice about your time here?

Right now we just have an inside cat, but when other cats come around the neighborhood and look through the doorwall he goes berserker mode. The other cats are always like, "what's that dude's problem." I think he is just jealous they're outside and he's not.

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Haha, thanks Brian! Why not start the week with a jolt of adrenaline? 🤣 And thanks for the kind words regarding Along the Hudson. Ha, maybe! If anything, I’d probably go with “less is more.” Two weekly stories was way too much to keep up with.

And haha! Too funny regarding the cat. The rationale makes sense to me, though. 😄

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Gosh, Justin - you pulled me right into the thick of this! I'm not at all comfortable around dogs, actually, but I'm glad I read this post regardless. I especially loved this line: "The spring air smelled like mud and worms and hope."

Yay to your forthcoming milestone - a year is brilliant!

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I’m happy you decided to read it, too! Thank you so much on both accounts, Rebecca! 😊

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Justin Deming

Needed a distraction and it worked. Got the blood worked up. Glad I chose dog centered fiction, thank you.

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Thanks, Sharon, happy to hear the story was able to do that for you!

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Wow, yeah that's a scary situation to meet up with. In the past I have encountered scary looking dogs and have been attack by a dog. I was also attacked by a pet raccoon before. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time usually.

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"The spring air smelled like mud and worms and hope. We’d survived another winter, and that alone was cause for celebration." Beautiful, Justin! I have an inordinate fear of large dogs, so this tale was frightening to me, BUT I was charmed by your affection for old Bullwinkle, even though he is such a naughty boy. This story represents you at your best, I think.

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Thanks so much, Sharron! I enjoyed writing this one because there are some tiny nuggets of truth scattered throughout. It’s mostly made up, though. 😊 Glad you liked Bullwinkle! (My neighbors’ dog in real life is named Bear. He’s a frequent visitor on our property but perhaps the friendliest dog I’ve ever met, ha!)

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This is why I was terrified of dogs for a long time. I never actually sustained a bite, but the thought of what could happen scared me so much! I'm less scared now, but dogs running loose do freak me out to this day. My mom, though, she's been bitten two or three times pretty badly. Needless to say, we are not a dog owning family.

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I don’t blame you whatsoever, Claire. It’s a legitimate fear. Ugh, it’s horrible to hear about your mom. Dogs really can be so unpredictable.

Thank you for reading my story! 🙏

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