May 29, 2023Liked by Justin Deming

A perfect story for today, Justin. It brought tears to my eyes, but it was uplifting in that Mickey's brother is there with him in spirit. Those signs are truly all around us.

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Thank you so much, Andrea. I’m a firm believer in there being a spiritual connection with those we’ve lost. And yes to the signs!

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This is so interesting to me, Justin, how you can tell a story about a game of golf, and embed the real story within it. It is so clever. I will be thinking about how to use that device, weaving a story within a story in my own work. It tells me I could profit from taking a good fiction writing course. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Thank you for the kind words, Sharron! I’ve always enjoyed “stories within stories”, too. “Divot” began with an image in my mind of a heart-shaped divot, and then the rest kind of just wrote itself. You know how it goes, ha! There’s no right or wrong approach. Substack is the perfect creative playground. Give one of these stories a whirl! I’m sure you’ll knock it out of the park. (Or wait...should I say you’ll hit a hole in one?) I genuinely always enjoy hearing your feedback and thoughts!

Thanks again for reading, my friend!

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A great way to begin Memorial Day. Thank you.

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Thank you for saying so, Sherman. It’s very much appreciated!

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Oh gosh, Justin, this post is an absolute delight. Goosepimpling.

Here in UK, although by coincidence it's also a public holiday here today, it's our 'Spring bank holiday', not actually Memorial Day. Our equivalent - Remembrance Sunday - falls every year in November. I have really enjoyed all the beautiful words that have come my way on Substack today for Memorial Day: and this post of yours has absolutely nailed the occasion. Thank you for your beautiful words, and for continuing food for thought.

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Thank you so much for the kind words, Rebecca! I’m happy you enjoyed the story. Your response made my day. Sometimes I write stories in connection with a holiday (or holidays), so when this one came about I knew I had to align it with Memorial Day!

Thanks again for reading!

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Nicely done, Justin. And a fine tribute to those who served and gave all.

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Thank you so much, Mark. I really appreciate it!

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Nice touching story for this day.

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Thank you, Scott! 😀

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Damn, Justin. I’ve got something in my eye.

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Darn allergies! 😉 Thanks so much for reading, Jim.

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skillfull AND moving. Fine work. If it were my story I'd say " This is one to send out and to contests ffor micro fiction."

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Wow, thanks for the encouraging words, Ernie! I’m elated you think so highly of it. Maybe one of these days I’ll shop it around! 😀

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Very cool story Justin! And, such a fitting tribute to the fallen heroes on Memorial Day. You write in such a way that I can see and feel the story unfold. Wonderful!

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Thanks so much for reading, Uncle Scott! Even after all these months of reading my work, I still think it’s so cool that you’re here following my stuff! It means a lot. 😃

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Well done, Justin. A good story told in just the right amount of words.

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Thanks so much for the kind words, Chris! I really appreciate it! 🙏

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