Maybe I am weird or not really a writer, but I think living a good life is a far better goal than writing a certain number of stories. Unless writing is your full-time job, give yourself some grace. We all go through writing/inspiration slumps. We understand. No worries. Quality is better than quantity.

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Mark, thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts. I’ve always appreciated your perspective! I’m with you. Honestly, I think a part of it is that I can be pretty self-critical sometimes. I need to let it go and not worry quite so much. And I completely agree regarding living a good life! Writing will always take a back seat. 😄 Thanks again, my friend.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 10Liked by Justin Deming

Throw away your schedule, Justin. A little summer respite and a deep breath, I say! Feeling an obligation to write takes all the fun away.. Your hundreds of fans are not looking at the calendar. We are here to read whatever you write, whenever you write it! Great prompt this week and an even greater interview with Erica Drayton! https://microzine.substack.com/p/microzine-interview-justin-deming? Congratulations, my friend.

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Aww, thank you, Sharron. I’m very close to throwing away the schedule, trust me! You are always so encouraging and kind, and I appreciate you much more than you know!

And thank you for the double compliment. I think the prompt will be a fun one. Erica has a pretty neat idea going on over there. I’d keep an eye on that space!

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Erica asked me for an interview, too. In August. I am honored by that! Have a great summer rest, Justin.

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Congratulations on your tenure!!! I'm sure the kids will be thrilled to have you around for a long time. As far as failure, I would look at it more like refocusing while you recharge your batteries. All of those experiences you're having with kids and family and school, make for wonderful inspiration. Living life is our greatest source of new material. I recently took my longest break between writing stories (almost a month) because I'm trying to finish another short story collection and the next season of the Lunar Awards. I simply had to stop doing one thing to make progress elsewhere. It's a constant battle of priorities. And family is the best place to prioritize!

I hope you have a great rest of the summer, no matter what you're doing, and I look forward to hearing about your progress.

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Thank you so much for the kind words and the reassurance, Brian! It is definitely a recharging/taking a moment to catch my breath kind of scenario. Life doesn’t slow down.

I hope you have a wonderful summer, too, and best wishes on your new short story collection! Can’t wait to read it!

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Justin: it's not failure, it's a temporary turn off on the road. Maybe it will be your subject matter in the future. We are multi-dimensional beings. Give yourself a break. I have recently exponentially grown in my appreciation of the Hudson River through reading two books about it, one co-authored by RFK, Jr. on the fight to clean it up.

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Sharon, thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. It does feel like a turn off the road, but a road that needed to be traveled. At the end of the day, it’s all good. Ultimately, this is only meant to be fun for me. I need to remind myself of that more often.

I’ll have to look up that RFK book. I’m intrigued.

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Jul 9Liked by Justin Deming

Writing is something I do. It is not who I am. Like you, I enjoy writing and would like to spend more time at it, but my life is more than writing. I need that, too. I need a full life. What would I have to write about without it? Justin, your love for your family, friends, students, and surroundings infuses your writing. Time spent with them adds to the quality of your output.

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I love what you said, K.C. Exactly! That’s a perfect perspective, one that I feel like I’m inching towards attaining. I really appreciate you sharing that with me. “Writing is something I do. It is not who I am.” I may need to start putting this at the forefront of my thinking. It may help with the big picture in many ways. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and share that with me. 🙏

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Jul 9Liked by Justin Deming

When you get to be my age, which is years and years from now for you, you will see there are days that make you smile and feel so, so lucky, and days that make you want to bang your head against a wall. Actually, I think we saw that when we were in the classroom together!! Your beautiful family is a testament to who you are. Your writing will always be there. Enjoy one good moment, or more, in each day. On one of those days, you will find the inspiration you're looking for. Or maybe you will just hear your kids' laughter. Thank you for being brave enough to share this with everyone. Congratulations on your tenure. Your school district is lucky to have you!

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Thank you so much for reading, Andrea! I’ve always learned so much from you, and that hasn’t changed a bit. I’ve said it to others before, but I genuinely believe that my children saved me. There are many more good days than bad, and something positive to be found in each day. The inspiration is coming back. It feels like the pendulum is beginning to swing in the opposite direction.

And thank you regarding my teaching news. I was feeling the pressure, and it feels wonderful to have that weight off my back!

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Thank you, Justin! I always enjoy reading whatever you're writing! I will be sending you an email soon so we can catch up.

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The Hudson is a beutiul placewith short summers and long cold winters. I worked on The Hudson for a bit (Corps of Engineers /good job)

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It’s a beautiful river and valley. I feel lucky that my life brought me here!

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Jul 8Liked by Justin Deming

You're awesome.

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You’re doubly awesome, Meg! 😄 Thank you for reading!

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They say you learn more from your failures than your successes. I agree. Failures tell you where the edges are.

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Yes, couldn’t agree more with you. Thank you for reading! 🙏

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