
Nightmare, fiction

Walker Reed learned a secret of the universe.

Mid-sleep, he tiptoed between worlds, careful to cushion his footsteps in the land of dreams. He didn’t want any Nightmares—hideous things— following him back to the waking world, or his sleeping family.

One morning, Walker woke. Nightmares smiled down at him.

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Cleverly done, Justin. I wasn’t going to write any ‘shorts’ this month as I have resurrected my long manuscript. But I gave in last night so I’ll post mine below.

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Thank you very much, Barrie! That’s kind of you to say. Sometimes they’re difficult to resist, right?! About to check yours out…stay tuned! 😄

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

Deliciously creepy.

Yes, I know, I've been absent. But what a gift to return to. Nightmare making!

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Thank you so much, Stephen! Autumn is in the air (well, tomorrow, technically), and the spooky stories are emerging…I’m here for it! 👻

Hope all is well!

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

Such a fabulous first line. And "tiptoed between worlds" is perfect. You are a master of the genre, Justin, no doubt about it.

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Thank you so much, my friend. I had that line “tiptoed between worlds” written in my notebook for a while, so I’m happy I was able to finally use it!

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

Excellent as always. Thanks for running this super fun roundup

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Thanks, Scott! Right back at you. What a wonderful mix of stories and poems all around!

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Love this, Justin!

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Sep 20Liked by Justin Deming

( A variation on the theme of a longer piece I posted earlier this week )


She feels her way through a darkling cave

and wades through slimy grimy bog

and icky sticky spider webs

the hurrying scurrying fangs and claws

the foulish howl of rabid beasts!

A bony finger reaches out.

She screeches out and swiftly turns.

Then she strikes and bites,

and … finally …. wakes.

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Ooh! This is spooky! Love it, Sharron! 👻

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Creepy cool

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It seems we have been having the same dreams! "Icky sticky". I like.

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Thank you Stephen. I tried to write something horrific but the rhymes kept popping up and it turned into Dr. Seuss! Reminds me of a children's rhyme... almost.

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Yikes, Sharron! This gives me the heebie-jeebies! Good job!!

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Heebie-jeebies! Is that anything like “the willies”? The whim-whams? The screaming-meemies? Then my job is done…ha ha ha

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It’s a cumulative attack of all of these things, Sharron! Lol

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I can't decide which one I like more, the original or the poem. Both are wonderfully creepy.

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Here’s one I amended that I wrote last year.

A Witchy Brew (a haiku chain), poem

Cauldrons bubble fierce

Chanting echoes in the night

Spells cast in shadows

Crackles pierce the dark

Venomous potions brewing


Ghosts goblins and ghouls

Witches brew poison for all

Dark alliance forms

Necromantic spells

Witches’ potions intertwine

Raising the undead

Moonlit midnight dance

Undead rise witches converge

A dark union

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Sep 20Liked by Justin Deming

Oooo. I like it. All the senses are engaged. You and I are getting an early start on Hallowe'en...

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

Haiku is a wonderful format. Isn't it great how five syllables can be spread over four words or packed into one magnificent package? DIABOLICAL!

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*Cackles* pierce the dark

Also, in keeping with the theme, I’d like to retitle it Halloween Dreams. 😊

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Oh man, I am loving these dark and diabolical stories/poems! Excellent, Caro!

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"Necromantic spells"....Love it!! Very spooky!!

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Sep 20Liked by Justin Deming

The Secret Agent

The Lamborghini caught up to the car ahead that had the pretty woman and the coveted flash drive. His glock deflated the back tyre. An elbow strike followed by a flying tackle did the trick.The woman kissed her savior passionately. He woke up to find his dachshund smothering him!

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What a great surprise ending, Sunil. Wasn’t expecting the dachshund there! Loved it! 🐶

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

I do hope he hadn't shot the dog in his sleep!

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Yes! Nothing like those passionate puppies!! lol

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Those doggies will do that. Love it!

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Wow! An entire novel in 50 words.

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Sep 20Liked by Justin Deming

A Real Snore, Fiction

“You really get your story ideas in dreams? That’s cheating.”

“It’s still me after all.”

“Maybe you should change your byline to acknowledge your subconscious as the real author? How can you really write while slumbering?”

Che had heard enough. “Being put to sleep never seemed to bother your readers.”

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Haha! What a great line. 😆

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Ooo. Snark! I like it, Scott.

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Thx! Writers sniping, whoever heard of such a thing lol

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Catty. Brilliant!

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Sep 20Liked by Justin Deming


He was fighting to breathe, every sense on high alert. Who his attacker was wasn't evident. He fought as if his life depended on it, struggling to get this weight off his face. He woke to his partner trying to stop his loud snoring with a feather pillow.

“Sorry honey.”

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Haha! Too funny, Kim.

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

My wife never says 'sorry', she just hits me and goes 'stop snoring'.

I'd love the gentle approach of a pillow and a 'sorry'.

But I'm going to remember your idea as an excuse for next time, "but honey, I was under attack!"

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

Right! My husband claims I tried to smother him with a pillow. Actually, I was attempting to push him into his side by pushing him with the pillow. This was the basis for my story.

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Ha ha ha!

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TRAVELER - Fiction ...a snippet of a dream I had in 1997 that has always stayed with me. There's more...

"Come back to us." Words on a piece of ancient onion-skin parchment.

Nobody Shirl shaking me awake, demanding we leave immediately as she is waiting for me.


"Come, she is not a patient woman." In my confusion and shock, I followed; my world transforming into another, dark and beguiling...

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Ooh, really liked this one, Deborah!

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Thank you so much!

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How much more?

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So much more, pages and pages

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Dream VS Reality (Fiction)

The dream is of a scrumptious medium rare steak hot off the grill, sautéed mushrooms still bubbling, and a loaded baked potato drenched in butter. Of course, seasoned green beans would be necessary to make a balanced meal. Unfortunately, the reality is a plain peanut butter sandwich on white bread.

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You just made me hungry, and I’m not happy about it. 😉 Great story, Zoe!

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Around here, that's a "fend-for-yourself night" in my kitchen! Sounds good to me!

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Now I'm hungry!

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Yeah. Make that Wonder Bread, and I am in, Zoe.

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I eat many more peanut butter sandwiches than I do steaks, but when I sat down at the keyboard, I guess I was hungry. LOL

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Sep 20Liked by Justin Deming

My Dream, CNF

My dream, if I had unlimited resources, would be to become a philanthropist. It would bring me joy to anonymously help to end world hunger. But do I need unlimited resources to help my neighbors next door? To donate my time to the food bank? My dream is within reach.

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Beautiful! And so well said, Sharon.

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

Lovely sentiment. Couldn't agree more.

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

Thank you for this loving reminder, Sharon. Every can of soup, every carrot, every loaf of bread helps someone.

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Dreamer (fiction)

I caught the salesman’s eye.

“5-2-6 horsepower from the V8 Voodoo, nought to sixty in four seconds.” Now he cannot deny I know the mighty Mustang. “Six speed, man, stiffened chassis”, I added, “How much for cash?”

“Keep dreaming, son, even your Dad’s pocket money won’t stretch to this beauty.”

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We all can dream, right?! Excellent work, Barrie!

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Ah, you’re very kind. I’m a bit out of practice, Justin.

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I don’t think so at all! Hope you have a wonderful weekend across the pond. 😄

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Post-cycle cheeseboard. Life is good.

Happy weekend, my friend.

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Sep 21Liked by Justin Deming

TAP OUT (fiction)

Gasping awake to echoless darkness.


Breathe deeply.

I recall whispers, 'When I hear tapping, I'll let you out'.


I began tapping.

Shave and a haircut.

Sensory under-load.



Morse code.


Vigorously thumping now.


Bloodied knuckles.


"Let me out ... "


I'm trapped in my dream.

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To call this unsettling is an understatement. Spooky stuff, Stephen! I really enjoyed it!

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CNF, My Reoccurring Childhood Dream

“The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully.” – Jeremiah 23:28

I look through the iron gate watching a cloud descend. Jesus stands and bodies rise to meet him in air. I wake, confused—left behind?

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What a beautiful vision, GeorgeAnn.

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Thanks, I had the dream in different versions several times. I may write a post about it sometime cause there’s more to the story.

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Hmmm. Sounds like one of my anxiety dreams. 😏 Love the creepy vibe, Sharron!

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