The Doting Wife, Fiction

My fair lass doesn't appreciate my vocation as a sailor on the high seas.

She says those dark waters are my mistress, an accusation I tried to deny.

Her temper, a dull axe and my wooden peg leg are evidence of her conviction.

Not all monsters swim in the ocean.

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Was not expecting this at all. The last two lines...whoa! (And youch!) Great story, Brian!

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Thanks, Justin! A little darker than my usual, but it wrote itself 😁

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Yeooow, Brian!

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023Liked by Justin Deming

Land Legs, a poem

My days on the sea are done

No more climbing the shrouds

No more glassing the horizon

No setting the topsail

I sigh and drag myself from bed now

On worn wooden legs

Bent and wobbly

Hanging on to the furniture

Hoping only to navigate as far as the coffeepot

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Love this, Sharron!

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Thank you Justin, though I should have taken a little more time with it, I think. I like your contests and seeing what others come up with. You're on to a good thing. No doubt your subscriber count has risen!

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Thank you, Sharron. I enjoy coming up with the prompts and seeing what others come up with as well. I’ve been a bit off the grid this time around, but I’m hoping to write a story later. The subscriber growth hasn’t skyrocketed by any means, but it has been pretty steady!

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I felt this to the core

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Thank you, Amie, from one "old salt" to another.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Justin Deming

College Days, Fiction

We carried the wooden dresser across the Boston Commons. I didn’t have money for movers. A Duck Tour guide spotted us. He made a wisecrack about whether I had any panties in the dresser. I lost my concentration and let the dresser drop, damaging one of the legs. Sorry, grandma.

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I enjoyed this, Geoffrey! Nicely done!

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Thank you!

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Well played!

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Justin Deming

USS Old Wood vs HMS Steadfast, poem turned fiction*

Climbing up the top sails to earn my coin and glory. Two ships joined at the hip and I saw every man fight. I share their stories with honor so that I can avoid my own. I have to turn them right side up because I was hanging upside down


*I originally wrote this as a poem with each sentence being two lines but I was unable to format it on substack so the whole thing looked...wrong. So now it's a narrative.

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The line “Two ships joined at the hip” evokes some strong imagery for me. I can visualize the entire scene. Really enjoyed this!

(Also, I know, what a bummer that we can’t format the way we’d like to. It’s perhaps my only gripe with Substack!)

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It actually works nicely as a prose poem, right?

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I thought it did. :)

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Leaving, Fiction

The day had come now. His orders came in and he would be gone for up to nine months. The sailor was shipping up to Boston. His family was heartbroken. Tears rolled down his face as his wife and son waved from shore. His wife’s love was frozen in time.

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Aww, a sad, seafaring tale. I hope they get the chance to reunite someday. I’m hopeful they will!

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Bad Date, Fiction

“I lost my leg.”

“Your what?”

“My leg, my leg!”

“Sit down, you’re embarrassing yourself.”

“I’m shipping off!”

“Where the hell are you going? We haven’t even ordered yet.”

“I’m shipping up to Boston!”

“Christ. Are you high?”

“I’m a sailor, Peg!”

“Ugh. It’s Maureen, and this date is over.”

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Haha! 🤣 Maureen is making the correct decision, no question.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by Justin Deming

BEHR Equilibrium

Out of an agonizing, revolving horizon

Eye level of lies

Climbing to find

Blips of perspective, but no depth

Emerging clarity to settle a mind

My mind


Loss is love and I love

Tangible yearning to feel

I can feel. elated, energized, aware, light, cold, open


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Sara, I saw your name pop up the other day - and it made my day! Thanks so much for sharing this writing/poem. It’s beautiful and reflective. It makes me reflect about my own life, about how we strive to achieve balance. It feels great taking steps in that direction.

I hope all is well with you and the family up north! (Hope you are enjoying the new gig, too!) 🙏

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Thanks Justin ! A post of yours showed up on my FB page and I couldn't resist checking it out! What a great page, and I love reading your stories as well as reading what people write inspired by your prompts.

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That’s really neat. Well thank you for checking it out and reading my stories! I love seeing what others come up with, too.

Are you thinking about starting a Substack? Give me a shout if you decide to or if you have any questions! And thanks again! 😊

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