I always love reading your work. Substack reminds of the joys of the early days of the internet when you could be creative and find people who shared your vibe or appreciated your work. Less algorithmic gamesmanship it hate-clicks. I love all the talented fiction writers here, and you’re definitely one of the standouts for me.

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Thank you so much for the kind words, Jason! Likewise. I always look forward to your newsletter as well. That’s what I love about Substack. There are no algorithms. If you sign up to read someone’s stuff, you’re going to have it delivered. There really is an outstanding group of fiction writers here, and I know there are plenty more out there who I haven’t discovered yet!

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

It’s a standout first line! Thanks for the uplifting story.

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Thanks, Geoffrey! I really appreciate it. I’m happy you enjoyed Inheritance.

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It's a nice story because it has both emotional weight and a hopeful ending. 👍 When I'm writing stories like this I always forget the impact doesn't have to come from a disastrous end.

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Thanks so much, Brian. I’m right there with you!

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As writers, it's always fun when the main character takes over, and then the story is born. Glad you let Ray tell his story, Justin.

My thoughts about the story? I think Ray will make an excellent teacher, and he is needed. When I was in 4th grade, our bold principal made sure grades 4 thru 6 learned about drug abuse, and street drugs that we could/might encounter. This was the mid-1960s, and drugs were easy to get in southern California. Our school made sure we received almost a Scared Straight educational approach. It worked on me.

I sure hope Ray listens to his inner voice and helps young people as a teacher.

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I agree, Jenise. I love when characters take stories to unexpected places.

Thank you so much for your feedback and for sharing your experience. It sounds like Ray should take the same approach because it sounds incredibly impactful!

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The stark imagery of this story is gripping, right down to the cassette tape and Sony stereo. Well played!

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Thank you so much, Amie. I’m grateful for you reading it and for your feedback!

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A sad, touching, and beautiful story. I could see the world through Ray's heart.

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Thank you so much for reading and for the kind words, Bill.

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Definitely one of my favorite first lines ever! Then to end it with that little spark of hope. Lovely!

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Thanks so much for saying so, Claire! I’m happy you liked my story. (And thank you for the recent recommendation! I’m honored! 🙏)

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I love the recommendations feature! Your stories are seriously some of my favorites that I've found here on Substack!

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You’re too kind! Thank you. I appreciate it more than you know.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

Ray would be an inspiring teacher to boys in trouble. He has credibility. Though I doubt he could ever be credentialed due to his past record, he could be very effective in any local inner city youth center or after school program. Ray needs a mentor. Nicely written, Justin. Empathetic.

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Thanks so much, Sharron. That’s how I feel about Ray, too. Or maybe a motivational speaker for kids. “Don’t do what I did...”

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An uplifting read reminding it's never too late!

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Thanks, Olga! I’m happy you enjoyed it.

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Such a great story of hope!

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Thank you, Kim!

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