I’d like to see more of this story. This feels like the beginning.

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Thank you for reading, Rich. Perhaps someday I will get around to writing more of it!

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Ronnie is going to make it! I was a little worried it was going in a different direction. I'm glad you're still writing during the school year. I know it's probably not easy, but I appreciate seeing your stories in my feed.

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Thanks so much for reading, Brian. I appreciate the kind note. It does get challenging at times, but honestly, for me, it’s more difficult to stop writing for a period of time and then try to get back into it. It’s easier to maintain the weekly rhythm at this point!

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Yup, I totally understand that! Well, I'm glad you got a rhythm going and are still pushing that publish button. 😁

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Thanks my friend! Likewise! 😀

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Oh, for more people like Julius. In an ideal world, parents would be there for their kids. But that is not always the case. Well done, Justin.

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Thanks so much, Mark! Julius really is an unsung hero.

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Loved the wolf howl moment. Good vibes in this one, Justin.

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Thanks so much, Meg. The wolf howl detail kind of came out of left field while I was writing the story. I said, “Hmm...you know...I kinda like it.” 😄 I’m happy you did, too.

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Left field details are the best ones!

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That dialogue really spoke to me (no pun intended). Crisp, real. The way people actually talk. Nice!

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Thank you so much, Amie. I’d been wanting to do a dialogue-heavy piece for quite some time, so I’m happy this one “spoke to you”! 😉 I’m happy with how it turned out.

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Love this. Feels real. Full of hope. And we all need that. Cool.

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Thank you for reading and for the positive feedback, Barrie. Very much appreciated!

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Thank all the Gods for angels like Julius. So many teens feel entirely alone and hopeless living with poverty, with alcoholic or drug addicted parents. Or no parents at all. Julius has held out a lighted candle in the dark to this boy and given him a concrete plan. That you could write this hopeful story, really tells me a lot about you, Justin. I am proud to know you.

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It is a sad reality, Sharron, and kind souls like Julius often go unnoticed by the vast majority of society. I’ve been lucky enough to work with a few individuals like Julius who truly change the trajectories of lives. And that was incredibly kind of you to say! Thank you so much for making my day, and most likely my entire week. 🙏

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Justin Deming

Justin, I can see these characters so clearly. You've made them come to life. I picture Ronnie looking a little like our old friend Todd... I agree that you should make this into a longer story. Perfect dialogue, as always!

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Andrea, thank you so much for reading and commenting! I can’t help but see a little bit of Todd in him as well. Hmm, maybe one of these days I’ll add some more to this one and see where it leads. Thanks as always for the encouragement!

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“One hand washes the other” was a favorite saying of my dad’s. He also liked “Many hands make light work.” 👊💛

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Thank you for sharing that, Ann. I’m happy the story made you think of him, even if for a moment! 🙏

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Well done, Justin. A ray of hope plus someone watching your back, topped off with being pointed in the right direction - can make all the difference in the world.

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Thanks so much, Mark. I completely agree. Julius, to me, is the perfect role model for Ronnie. I think he’ll help him through this difficult patch of his life.

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Makes me want to read more of the story!

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Thanks so much, Leanna! Maybe one of these days I’ll get around to writing more of it. I appreciate you reading!

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thanks Justin for an inspiring story to start my challenging day.

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Thank you for reading and sharing my story, Sharon. I hope you had a good day and have an even better one tomorrow. ✨

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Thanks Justin! Nothing like reading about an uplifted first thing on a Monday morning!

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Thanks so much for the kind words and for reading, 3M!

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