This daily thing is really grinding on me. I'm glad you're feeling more energized.

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Thanks, Jimmy. I still don’t know how you make it happen, but it’s remarkable. Publishing two short stories (micro/flash) weekly is about all I can handle.

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I hope I can keep up the pace through the end of the year. If it was my full time job it would be easier but I'd have to double my paid subscribers ( to 476 ) to make it my full time job.

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It would be a hell of an accomplishment - again! I really hope you reach that many paid subscribers so you can write full time.

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Jimmy, I think you're grinding on it. I don't know what that means, I just felt like making a wise-ass remark.

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That sounds like a good plan. Why deal with rejections and build someone else’s audience? Building your own audience where you already have readers. It is more fun. 🙂

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Thank you, Mark. Couldn’t agree more with you. It’s definitely much more fun this way!

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Glad to see you back, Justin. I struggle with the decision of whether to publish on my own or submit to journals/lit mags/whatever you call 'ems. I still do some when I luck into a piece I think might fit with something I read elsewhere. If I was better with data and all that maybe I'd know what brought in more readers, but oh well.

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Thank you, Jim. I’m right there with you. I have no idea how to bring in new readers. I just hope somehow they stumble upon it, haha. In regards to submitting stories, I guess I’m at the point where I don’t feel like waiting around to hear back from editors. Maybe it’s me being a little impatient. In the same vein, I just want my stories to be read - even if by a small number of consistent readers.

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Great plan, Justin! Welcome back. 🙂

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Thanks a bunch, Dascha! I’m happy to dive back in. 😊

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