Never again. Sigh. OK, once more.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

Oh. I LOVE this. Nice work, Mark.

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Loved it, Mark!

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

"I never kissed her," he lied.

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Both of these are great, Sharron!

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She danced their first dance, alone.

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I wrote a bunch of these a few years ago, a lot were mini tragedies. Here's a cheerier one:

Lovesick. Caution: May Cause Terminal Happiness.

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Loved both, Chris. I don’t know why, but the darker ones are easier for me to write, too. I have a bunch of six-word stories in a notebook but seem to have lost or misplaced it!

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Hope you find the notebook!

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Thanks Justin. They really are! I did an exercise years ago which was 50 Words, 50 Stories, 50 Days and the challenge was the light hearted ones!

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This challenge sounds right up my alley! Haha, I hear you. I try to keep it on the “cheery” side at Along the Hudson, but it can be a challenge!

And thank you! I hope so too, even if my hope is fading fast. 😅

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Would really recommend it! Found it a great way to be present and in the moment because I'd be looking around me for a story inspiration each day. I ended up continuing past the 50 days and ended up with over 100!

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That’s commendable! Sounds like a great way to tune in to one’s surroundings. Thanks again for sharing this!

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

Time on my side, yeah right

Day dawns, still want to sleep

Winter sucks, 3 months to go

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I feel all three of these sometimes!

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Read. Write. Read. Write. What's Right?

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Climbers found him after spring thaw

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Oooh, now this is a story! Nice one, Jason. It makes me think of those unfortunate souls somewhere on Mt. Everest.

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Ah, Christmas. To be eight again...!

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Oh, the good old days!

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

Bourbon? Scotch? I'll take both. Please.

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Both now, please. Into my veins. 😅

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

Instant gratification! Life is too short.

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I feel like we could continue this six-word conversation for a very long time. (Wait, I just ruined it!) 😄

Just so you know, I haven’t forgotten about being “tagged.” I’ll send the story back your way one of these days.

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

Whenever. I have nothing but time.

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Jenna was fired. The cannon worked.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

I love the way your mind works, Gip. I think....

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Ha, this one’s amazing. I love it. Thanks for sharing!

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

Always busy. Never alone. Good times.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

I died. Or so I thought.

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Whoa! This is awesome. I can see this as a six-word opener for a novel. Or imagine this being the opening line to an epic fantasy RPG?!

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

Thank you! I’ll give that some serious 🤔

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Searched for him. Found him. Bliss!

Alarm rang. She woke up. Snoozed.

For sale. Wedding dress. Never worn. (Seeing this online, alot, lately.)

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Loved your take on these, Jenise! And darn, that last one is kind of sad.

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Yeah, that last one...sadly, I see it on our local Facebook Marketplace ads.

Thanks, Justin, for your encouraging words! Six-word stories are a challenge to write for me.

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You’re so very welcome. They’re a challenge for me, too!

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I hated the cold winter months.

I’m ready for sunny skies today!

Can you tell-sick of rain!

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Escape the droplet... Real life awaits.

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Yes!! Love it!

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

this is the one that is hard to share:

miss my honey, everyday still dead

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🙏 Sending positive energy and prayers your way.

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Cannibal chef ruins dinner. No wine.

My penis is burning. Call fireman.

Millions gathered protesting death. God laughs.

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All three are brilliant! Thanks for the laugh.

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