It would be fun to do a kind of 'what if' version of this, where the coffee never gets spilled. How different does life look after that? It's fun sometimes to think back on those 'what if' moments of life.

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Yes! I think that’s a great idea. Maybe one of these days I’ll write an alternate version of this story. Agreed - I think it’s fun to think about those moments, too.

Thanks for reading, Claire!

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Sweet story. And true about little things or timing that change our entire life.

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Thank you, Mark. And we all have so many of these moments, I’m sure!

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Wonderful writing! :D

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Thank you so much, Rebecca! I really appreciate it. 😀

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Justin Deming

It IS funny how life works, isn't it. We never know which tiny incident will change the direction of our lives. Lovely!

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Thank you, Sharron! Reflecting on my own life, there are so many of these “hit or miss” events. I wouldn’t want my life any other way, but it’s certainly interesting to think about all of the tiny, pivotal moments!

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A lovey, warm story!

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